Sebastian Arroyo Hoebens
Brooklyn, United States (US)
Sebastián Arroyo Hoebens is a designer who was born in Mexico City and grew up in between Mexico and the Netherlands.
After graduating from the Netherlands Film Academy and working in film and television, he decided to follow his passion for conceiving and making beautiful objects.
So, he set up his furniture design studio in Mexico City. One year later he enrolled in the Furniture Design Graduate Program at the Rhode Island School of Design, focusing on the improvement of his designer and ...
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Career Highlights
Recent Shows
Fine Furnishings Show Mis Jarrones N01, Waterfire Arts Center, Providence RI, USA Redefining Monuments, Contemporary Reflections on Fort Adams In Guns We Trust, Fort Adams, Newport RI, USA Inside~Out Akopechtli Komali Negro, Virtual show, New York City, USA Inside~Out: in the Garden Comalli con Tenamaxtles, Saint Marks Place Boerum Hill, New York City, USA Design Week Mexico, Inédito Akopechtli Komalli, Espacio CDMX, Mexico City, Mexico CASA NUEVA: NEW SOLID