Category: Studio Visit
Ragna Ragnarsdóttir: An Exploration of Material, Technique, & Tradition
Veera Kulju: A Study of Craftsmanship & Human Curiosity
T SAKHI: Encouraging Human Interaction through Design
The Lél Collection: Cultural Preservation & Personal Healing through Craft
Ghaya Bin Mesmar X Mermelada Estudio: Dialogues of Safeefah
Piedrafuego: Maintaining Authenticity through Continuity
Ayres MX: Modern Memories of a Prehistoric & Pre-Hispanic Past
Jonas Edvard: A Material Alchemist in Sustainable Design
“I encourage people to be curious, to focus on the moment, to react upon feelings; right now is an interesting moment” – Jonas Edvard View…
Seray Asker: Designing goddesses, beasts & other modern myths
“The thought that I was breathing the same wind as our ancestors did a million years ago … carrying their culture to the 2000s in…
Gaspard Graulich at Crossovers: Exploring Design's Cultural Landscapes
“I don’t want to express my feelings; I want my objects to make people feel their own” – Gaspard Graulich “Prélèvement” N.8 & N.1.…
Studio Plastique at Crossovers: Searching for Answers within the Plastic Arts
“As a society, we are not only disconnecting from our natural environment, we are also alienated from what we consume” – Studio Plastique View Studio…
Draga & Aurel: Cultural Crossovers
“our partnership expresses our creativity through a perfect combination of art and design” – Draga Obradovic & Aurel K. Basedow View Draga & Aurel’s work…
Eyvind Solli Andreassen at Crossovers: Balancing on the Edge of Craft and Art
“I feel that we are all always slightly out of balance whether it be physical or mental and I transfer bits of this from myself…
Theodóra Alfreðsdóttir at Crossovers: Narrating the Stories of our Everyday Objects
“By being transparent about production we give each and every object a narrative that people can relate to.” – Theodóra Alfreðsdóttir View Thedóra Alfredsdottir’s works,…
Vito Nesta at Crossovers: A Journey Designed in Full Color
“I have used black very few times in my works, to me, it is a useless and cold convention.” – Vito Nesta Try and think…
Antrei Hartikainen at Crossovers: Capturing Nature's Constant Transformation
“I want to transfer the vulnerability, frailty, and beauty of nature into my own material, wood” – Antrei Hartikainen View Antrei Hartikainen’s works Kukki and…
Popdots at Crossovers: Contemporary Experiments on Ancient Craft
“We believe that in some cases the great mistake of the contemporary has been to hide the past to try to innovate” – Popdots View…
Josefina Muñoz at Crossovers: Creation through Collaboration in a Circular Economy
“As a designer, I seek to inspire, inform and provide a voice to artistic professions” View Josefina Muñoz’s work, Game of Stone, in the Swiss…
Åsa Jungnelius at Crossovers: Domestication and the Body
“The objects become a sort of fetish of ourselves as individuals and our contemporary condition.” Åsa Jungnelius View & Purchase Åsa Junelingus’ works in the…
Profiles: Josephine Andredottir & Emilie Bobek. Artsign
“Today there are no rules on how to use objects. We are in a time where it all floats together and the borders disappear.” -Josephine…
Profiles: Annalisa Rosso and Francesco Mainardi
“We’re different but at the same time synergic. Our strength lies in our two mirrored viewpoints.” –Annalisa Rosso & Francesco Mainardi Adorno is pleased to introduce…
Adorno Profiles: Katrín Ólína Pétursdóttir
“Dream, collaborate, experiment and make with awareness.” – Katrín Ólína Pétursdóttir Adorno is proud to present Adorno Profiles, a series of interviews and editorials focused…
MONOCLE PODCAST – The Entrepreneurs
Adorno founders Martin Clausen & Kristian Snorre Andersen has visited Monocle in London to have a talk about the ambitions and ideas behind the company.…
Interview: Gökhan Karakus; The potential of design
Our Istanbul curator Gökhan Karakus gives his view on the potential of design from a Turkish angle live on TRT, along with some pictures from…