Rupture is a poignant exploration of personal memory, inspired by La Kutateladze’s childhood and teenage years growing up in Tbilisi, Georgia, during a complex and challenging era. As part of the Remembrances series, the work translates intimate recollections into tangible forms, transforming fleeting memories into lasting, physical expressions.
Through Rupture, La Kutateladze creates a monument to these personal moments—each object serving as a materialized token of nostalgia and connection. The piece reflects the artist’s desire to preserve and reanimate these fragments of the past, offering a way to reconnect with them through the language of objects.
Hand-built from raw black clay. One of a kind. E 27 bulb
Dimensions LxWxH | 16x20x36cm (6x8x14'') |
Weight (kg) | 6 |
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