The Kaanch Series Collection, created by the Brooklyn-based designer Diego Olivero, is a striking assembly of glass vessels and lamps that seamlessly meld vibrant fused colored shapes onto durable borosilicate glass surfaces. Embracing maximalism, Olivero’s design ethos infuses an eclectic touch into this captivating collection.
The process of crafting these glass vessels involves the careful fusion of colored shapes onto the glass surface. With expertise and precision, artisans ensure that each piece is crafted with utmost care and attention to detail, resulting in a mesmerizing visual display of harmoniously blended hues and intricate patterns. The unique combination of vibrant colors and skillful craftsmanship defines the Kaanch Series Collection, making it truly stand out.
Diego Olivero, the artist behind this collection, collaborated with Indian artisans to develop these pieces, celebrating the beauty of glass art and the rich tradition of craftsmanship in Delhi, India. The Kaanch Series Collection is not just a showcase of artistic brilliance but also a testament to the global collaboration that brings together contemporary design and traditional craftsmanship in a seamless blend of beauty and tradition.
Diego Olivero the artists traveled to work with Indian Artisans to develop this collection that celebrates the beauty of glass art and the rich tradition of craftsmanship in Delhi, India.
Variations | 23x23x37, 25x25x61, 25x25x49 |
Dimensions LxWxH | 23x23x37, 25x25x61, 25x25x49cm (9x9x15x10x24x10x19'') |
Weight (kg) | 0.5 |
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