Community, Care, and Compassion Unfolds in the Design of this New Pharmacy

In Philadelphia, a local health provider has opened its doors to a not-so-average pharmacy. It stands as a shining example of Sergio Mannino Studio‘s holistic design philosophy. This pharmacy, established by Olivia Tchanque and designed by Mannino, is a unique amalgamation of architecture, branding, furniture, lighting, and storytelling. Sergio Mannino’s holistic approach has not only crafted a space but a narrative and an experience that resonates deeply with the community. In this detailed exploration, we’ll uncover how each aspect of the project contributes to the overarching theme of community care, environmental sustainability, and design innovation.

The Philosophy of Total Design

Total design goes beyond aesthetics. It’s a human-centered approach that considers every aspect of a project, creating a unified and meaningful experience. For Angel Care Pharmacy, Mannino applied this philosophy by harmonizing various design elements, ensuring each component reflected the pharmacy’s ethos.

Architecturally, Mannino transformed a split building into a cohesive, functional space. Mannino explains, “Our goal was to create a space that doesn’t just serve its functional purpose but also tells a story and connects with the community.” This connection is evident in the careful selection of materials and layout, which promote an open, inclusive atmosphere.

The branding, too, is a product of this holistic design philosophy. The angel wing logo, chosen for its symbolism of care and protection, is consistently applied across various mediums, creating a strong visual identity featuring a calming Lush Lilac hue. Mannino notes, “Branding is not just about a logo; it’s about creating an identity that resonates with the audience and stands for the values of the business.”

Furniture selection further reflects this approach. The unique blend of chrome, wood, and fabric in the seating arrangements, also designed by Italian Sergio Mannino, adds a distinct character to the space, speaking volumes about the pharmacy’s modern yet compassionate ethos.

Lighting, often an overlooked aspect, was carefully chosen to enhance the pharmacy’s ambiance. The innovative use of Artemide lamps and Halo Surface Downlights demonstrates Mannino’s attention to detail and commitment to creating a warm, yet clean and welcoming environment.

Architectural Design and Space Utilization

In transforming the pharmacy’s physical space, Mannino focused on functionality, aesthetics, and the user experience. The team’s decision to open up the demising wall and connect the two previously separate units was crucial. This maximized the retail space and created a sense of openness and accessibility.

The front section, dedicated to retail, is designed to be inviting. Customers can comfortably browse and wait, with the medication pick-up and drop-off windows ensuring efficiency and convenience. As Mannino puts it, “We wanted to create a space that wasn’t just about transactions but about comfort and ease for the customers.” The back area, tailored for pharmacists, balances operational needs with a design that supports privacy and personalized care. The inclusion of a private consultation room is a testament to this, offering a secluded space for confidential discussions.

Branding and Visual Identity

The branding of Angel Care Pharmacy extends beyond the logo. Mannino’s approach involved creating a comprehensive visual identity that encapsulates the pharmacy’s mission. The color palette – featuring mauve (Lilac or Dusty Violet), white, and silver – was chosen for its calming and sophisticated qualities, aligning with the pharmacy’s serene atmosphere.

The branding’s consistency across various platforms – from business cards to marketing materials – reinforces the pharmacy’s identity. Mannino emphasizes, “Every element of branding, down to the smallest detail, was crafted to mirror the pharmacy’s commitment to care and community.”

This meticulous attention to branding ensures that every interaction with the pharmacy, whether it be through physical or digital mediums, communicates its core values and mission.

Furniture and Lighting: A Unique Blend

The furniture and lighting in Angel Care Pharmacy are not merely functional elements; they are integral to the pharmacy’s character. The unique combination of materials and styles in the furniture challenges conventional design norms, reflecting the pharmacy’s innovative spirit. 

The lighting choices, strategically placed, play a crucial role in setting the mood of the space. Mannino explains, “Lighting can transform a space. We chose fixtures that would not only illuminate but also add an element of design intrigue.”

The selection of HEM and Blu Dot for shelving adds a modern touch, showcasing Mannino’s skill in selecting and combining different design elements to create a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing environment.

Sustainability: A Core Element

Sustainability is a cornerstone of Angel Care Pharmacy’s design. The decision to use compostable vials and bags is a significant step in reducing the pharmacy’s ecological footprint. This choice reflects a broader commitment to environmental responsibility, a value increasingly important in today’s world.

Mannino comments, “Designing with sustainability in mind is not just an option; it’s a responsibility. We are proud to have integrated this aspect into Angel Care Pharmacy’s design.” This commitment sets an example for the healthcare industry, encouraging others to consider the environmental impact of their operations.

Storytelling Through Design

Every design element in Angel Care Pharmacy tells a part of its story. From the architecture to the furniture and branding, each component speaks to the pharmacy’s mission of caring for the community. 

This storytelling through design is a powerful tool, creating an emotional connection between the space and its visitors. Mannino notes, “We believe that design should tell a story, evoke emotions, and create an experience.” Angel Care Pharmacy does just this, offering a space where customers feel understood, supported, and cared for.

Sergio Mannino Studio’s work on Angel Care Pharmacy showcases the power and depth of the total design approach. It’s a vivid illustration of how thoughtful, integrated design can transcend the physical space to impact lives and communities. This project stands as a shining example of how design, when done thoughtfully and with a clear vision, can create meaningful and lasting change.

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