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ORFEO STUDIO was established in 2024 in Italy after an intense multi-year study of the concept of the matter and the parallel development of bespoke projects. The processing and treatment of acquired metals is very dissimilar to each other and are distinguished by the interaction of styles, designs and contaminations of different eras. This process of continuous evolution, leads to perpetual rupture and change in the conceptual view of matter.

Our human evolutionary path cannot be linear, predictable or dictated by criterion. It is an unpredictable mutation that takes us in divergent directions from the traditional path. It is from this reflection that we transmit our experience, experiencing a new awareness of creative perception. We assume mastery of our artistic vision, creating design works that reach a higher level of tangible matter, leading this style statement to become conviction.

Purely handcrafted and handmade objects from start to finish are produced entirely by ORFEO STUDIO in our production unit in Italy. The pieces, mostly made of metal, are customizable and numbered one by one. Each work is consecrated by a unique finish, executed with archaic and primitive processes, until the achievement of a work that necessarily creates questions and does not give answers.


The ADVERSE project brings to light a series of innovative collectible works, the result of a purely artisanal production.
Each piece is conceived to challenge traditional aesthetic conventions, with a conceptual development that combines balance and sharp lines, a style statement that expresses a hostile and rebellious feeling.

Purely handcrafted and handmade object as a whole from start to finish produced entirely by ORFEO STUDIO in its production unit in Italy, pieces
made mostly of metal and customizable, numbered one by one, documenting with video the construction and processing procedures for each individual piece , certified and finally consecrated by a unique reference finish from time to time, performed with archaic and primitive processes.

These works offer a vision of the future through bold forms and futuristic lines, defying conventional aesthetic norms. Our goal is to give meaning to their existence, welcoming their presence as an anticipation of an indefinite future other.

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