Magdalena Hart is a critical artist from UK / Uruguay, based in Barcelona, Spain. Her practice she aims to reintegrate “nature” into the technological dialogue as a means to challenging environmental awareness through speculative imagination. Her work is driven by the coexistence of the elements—water, earth, fire, and air—and seeks to reconnect with the past in order to envision the future, crafting narratives that help us better understand and engage with the environments we belong to...
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Career Highlights
Recent Awards & Nominations
“Manglar” Barcelona Crea. Practicable Research and Experimentation Grant, Hangar, Spain Wetlab Residency, Hangar, Spain Humboldt Foundation Residency: Our Precious Resources, Berlin, Spain Performative Arts Investigation Funding, Take Heart, Germany Impulso al Arte Digital y Electrónico "Aigua", Montevideo, Uruguay Selection “50ª edición Premio Montevideo de Artes Visuales”, Fondos MEC, Montevideo, Uruguay Contorno Urbano Residency: “Photo Microbial Fuel Cell”, Hospitalet, Spain PAR Residency: Artistic Performance, Fondos, MEC, Montevideo, Uruguay Artistic Residency: Non Human Intelligences, “Photo Microbial Fuel Cell”, C4CS, Lovinac, Croatia Arts Residency + Final Exhibition Award: Biofeedback Installation Design, “El Santuario”, Ca La Dona, Barcelona, Spain
Recent Shows
FAD Design Exhibition - Barcelona, Spain Apoc Curation Exhibition - Victoria Albert, London, UK Manglar - Hangar, Pluri Fest, Barcelona, Spain Float, Experience - Il.lacions Gallery, Barcelona Spain El Aire Permite Abrir Espacio - Rizoma, Barcelona, Spain Interactive Performance - Tech and Play, Barcelona, Spain Interactive Peformance - H20 Gallery, Tiberi Club, Barcelona, Spain Una Habitación Propia - Il.lacions Gallery, Barcelona, Spain What has the landscape witnessed? - Humboldt Foundation, Berlin, Germany Time, Force and Space Performance - Ars Santa Mónica, Barcelona, Spain Paisaje Sonoro II Instalation - Mira Festival, Barcelona, Spain Aigua - Espacio de Arte Contemporáneo, Montevideo, Uruguay Interferences, Espiral - Barcelona Design Festival, Il.lacions, Barcelona, Spain Paisaje Sonoro - 50a Premios Montevideo Artes Visuales, Montevideo, Uruguay Paisaje Sonoro - Las Cigarreras, MMMAD, Alicante, Spain 10 Artists 10 Seconds, IDEAL, Mira Festival, Barcelona, Spain Paisaje Sonoro - Neo, Cosmo Caixa, Barcelona, Spain Paisaje Sonoro - Quo Artis, Ars Electrónica, Barcelona, Spain Paisaje Sonoro - FAPTEK, CCE, Montevideo, Uruguay Paisaje Sonoro - CCD, Punta del Este, Uruguay Cyclicus - CCD, Punta del Este, Uruguay