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Czech Republic


Elis Monsport brand

is a multidisciplinary artist and designer who focuses on the complexity of glass engraving.

She was born in 1996 and studied in the glass studio at UMPRUM under the guidance of Rony Plesl, and her greatest inspiration was the selflessness and authenticity of nature, landscapes, rocks and textures, which she blends into her works using various craft techniques.

Elisa's work speaks to us trought its stories, artistic-craftsmanship and the uniqueness of each object – she makes almost everything as unique and unrepeatable pieces or series of small pieces. If you buy a vase from her, it is certain that no one will ever have the same one again.

She likes to travel, she doesn't sketch so much anymore, she visualizes designs in her head on the road, preferably in the mountains.

Mountains and travel are her inspiration. She differs from other glassmakers in the entire production process – she designs, creates forms, lays glass, engraves glass herself.

Group Shows

Show Name

Collectible – The fair for 21st century design

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Designblock 2023

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Art House/ Designblock 2022

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Colours of Transparency glass exhibition at London Design Fair

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Glassfest – 18. Art glass Festival, Karlovy Vary

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Prague NOW!, Clam-Gallas palace, Prague

Show Name

MANIFESTO, Palazzo Clerici – Milan

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