Affiliate Agreement

ADORNO affiliates are required to agree with this affiliate agreement and remain in compliance with the following terms. These terms outline everything you need to know about being an ADORNO Affiliate, including resources, do’s, don’ts, and the legal stuff. 


Our registration system is quick and easy. All you have to do is fill out the affiliate application form. We review every application to ensure a good fit for us and you. The review process can take a few days, so please provide clear and accurate information. It’ll help speed up the process. 

When you apply we may email you to request more information. This might be due to us not understanding your application or we need more details about how you’re going to promote ADORNO and our pieces. If we don’t get a response within 7 days we may reject your application or put it on hold. If your application is rejected because you didn’t respond in time, you’re welcome to apply again. 

If you’re approved you will be provided with a unique referral ID that you can use to start promoting ADORNO, our pieces, subscriptions, and services. You can check out the affiliate portal once your login is active. 


We reserve the right to reject any application for any reason. We reserve the right to choose whether we explain the application rejection. Below are some of the reasons why an application might be rejected (this is not a complete list). 

  1. Applications coming from affiliates that sell, advertise or engage in pornography, phishing, scams, illegal business practices or that include any material infringing on copyright will be rejected. 
  2. Applications from affiliates or industries which we believe don’t align with our pieces and services will be rejected. 
  3. Affiliate applications that resell our pieces will be rejected. 
  4. Applications from coupon or deal sites will be rejected. 
  5. Affiliates that we consider inappropriate by our applications team will be rejected. 

Inappropriate websites:

The following types of sites are not permitted to become an affiliate: adult sites, sites that display adult material or banners, sites that promote violence, hatred, or bigotry, and sites that promote or engage in illegal activity, including (but not limited to), hacking, cracking, nulled, and warez sites. Affiliate applications for inappropriate websites will be rejected, and we reserve the right to choose whether or not to provide a rejection reason.

Dormant affiliate accounts

We encourage all of our affiliates to actively promote ADORNO’s pieces and/or services to keep earning referrals. If we can help you come up with ideas on how to promote ADORNO pieces, please let us know. If you have any ideas, let us know. An affiliate account is considered dormant if no visits have been generated after 12 months and the account will be terminated. But hey now, we don’t want that to happen so let’s work together and earn some money. 

Commissions and Payouts 

  • You’ll be earning a predetermined commission percentage on the value of a piece when a customer purchases pieces using your referral link. 
  • You will be earning a predetermined commission percentage on the monthly revenue of ADORNO memberships from new designers or studios signing up using your referral link, and until their membership is canceled, on-hold or expired. 
  • You will be earning a predetermined percentage commission of the value of a paid ADORNO campaign and other services  when a designer or studio purchases a feature using your referral link. 

We pay out commissions in EUR sent to your Paypal account in the second week of a month after an order has been successfully completed. Our minimum payout balance is $50 EUR to ensure you get a bit of cash when your payout is due. 


  1. You must have your payout settings configured to receive your commissions. 
  2. Commissions do not apply for discounted pieces, memberships, campaigns or services, unless otherwise agreed.
  3. You will only receive a commission for orders that have not been refunded or have charges disputed.
  4. Due to possible chargebacks and refunds, commissions are only paid out after 30 days from when an order has been successfully completed. 
  5. For pieces the order is successfully completed when the entire order have been delivered, and any return right is over. 
  6. For memberships, an order is successfully completed when a member has paid their first instalment online. 
  7. For features, campaigns and services an order is successfully completed when the service has been delivered.
  8. We reserve the right to reject members and customers we don’t see fit and refund their orders.
  9. Commissions will not be paid for your own purchases or purchases you do for clients (including from different email addresses)
  10. We rely on cookies to track referrals if a customer is private browsing or cleared their cookies we cannot pay a commission. 
  11.  If a customer has clicked two affiliate links, the first link will get the commission.

Other limitations may result in the commission not being paid and will be decided at our discretion and in accordance with this agreement. 

Cookie Lifetime

Our referral cookie lifetime is 90 days. When a potential customer clicks on your referral link, they have 90 days from that date to make the purchase. This gives them ample time to make a decision and ask any pre-sales questions they might have.

A referral won’t be logged if 

  1. They use a different browser than the original link was used in. Cookies are not cross-browser so we cannot track this. 
  2. The customer is private browsing or cleared their cookies 
  3. The customer purchases after those 90 days are up. 

Affiliate communications

By Becoming an affiliate you agree to receive emails from ADORNO. These are only sent to affiliates on an as-needed basis. These may include information about updates to the program, relevant news, new product announcements and updates to help you effectively promote our pieces. You may be privy to embargoed or time-sensitive information within these emails (they will be marked as such) you can only promote this information after the embargo is lifted. We don’t spam, that’s not cool. 

Promoting ADORNO – The Do’s and Don’t’s 


Promoting ADORNO pieces is reflected by the commission you earn and we encourage you to use methods that add value to ADORNO and our customers. This will ensure you bring us legitimate, loyal customers that are passionate about design. We love reading articles and seeing reels and other creative content published by our affiliates that help others learn about ADORNO’s designers and pieces. 

Here are a couple of examples of effective promotional methods that are proven to earn more commission: 

  1. The good old word of mouth, tell your friends and clients about ADORNO and give them a referral link to make their purchase. 
  2. Writing articles and blog posts about ADORNO, the designers, and the pieces we launch.
  3. Creating videos, reels, and personal content is a great way to engage your audience. 
  4. Add your link to personal emails and newsletters recommending ADORNO – Email marketing is still the channel with the highest conversion rate.


We have dedicated years to developing our platform and supporting our designers and relationships, and we are careful with how they are promoted. The following list is some of the ways we do not want to see ADORNO promoted. These aren’t meant to scare you off but to protect all parties involved to make sure we’re not getting fraudulent or engaging in otherwise unacceptable activity. This is something we take seriously, and we know you’ll understand. But here it is in writing for those that require it. 

ADORNO pieces cannot be promoted on coupon or deal sites 

Coupon sites are promoting outdated offers, and bring disappointed customers to our site. If someone is looking for a coupon for our pieces, they already know about them and we’re looking for referrals with value for both of us.

Buying Ads 

Buying ads through any ad network be it social, web, search, or other, using our brands, and piece names as keywords will result in immediate termination of your affiliate account.


Spamming is not cool and we will not tolerate it. Respect the rules of any 3rd party site you are participating in to promote our pieces. This is not all the spam methods, if we decide its spam, it’s spam. No disputes allowed. 

Illegal activity or activities we deem offensive 

This may result in referrals being rejected and/or your account being deactivated. Check out the dos for approved methods. 

Pretending to be ADORNO or one of our members

Don’t clone our site, copy our pieces, services or pretend to be us. It’s unethical and downright dumb. Don’t embed our website within yours either. 

Consequences of the don’ts promotional methods

If your promotional methods step outside of these terms, your referrals may be rejected and we may disable or terminate your affiliate account. We reserve the right to do this and may or may not notify you in the instance that this occurs. Please only use allowed promotional methods, and help us to help you succeed as an affiliate!

The legal stuff

By accepting these terms and conditions you are providing your nonlegal agreement to abide by them. By registering and being approved as an affiliate in our affiliate program you agree that your commissions are subject to approval before they are accepted and subsequently paid.

The affiliate relationship does not represent a professional or formal agreement, and as an affiliate, you are not an employee of ADORNO. You agree that this is not a legally binding relationship and as a result may not take legal action against ADORNO. These affiliate terms and conditions are subject to change without notice.

Sound good? Great! Thanks for taking the time to read through these T’s and C’s and for agreeing to them. We can’t wait to have you on board!

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